Our SA:MP Server

Wednesday 31 July 2013

[31/7/2013] Adding Hands

[31/7/2013] Adding Hands

I am going to add a basic hand to make a first person camera type first for bower shooters and if you like to do so, you can toggle the camera type so if you want to aim correctly you better use this type of camera.
but third person camera is going to be made too so you guys can still see your body and not just your hand... heheh. but it will take a long time to make all these stuff and it wont be released yet now im sorry but its too early for this but you can follow up this blog so you can get if theres any news about the game so see you guys later...

Wednesday 24 July 2013



The game finally reached the day and night cycle.

"Hello guys, im back again with an update but the game wont be released yet, so here's the news for you guys; the day and night cycle was added."
[As Seen On Facebook Page]

Tuesday 23 July 2013



We have a new Model. and new member to model stuff! his name is Bao. give a big thanks to him!

"Working on new model movement and stuff. Model is made by Bao Ngoc. i will give special credit for him if its finished. Bao, if you're reading this. thanks man you're awesome"
[As Seen On Facebook Page]



The Developers Added 1 Mob to the game. there are still bugs around it but they will get it fixed soon.

"Good morning guys! so im here just for a quick update about the Survival Island the Game, i've been adding a few new mobs and soon there may be level system, which will increase your damage and your resistance. and new mobs will be added, like this skeleton. Lv.1, but there is still some bugs with its physics so i am not releasing it YET because it will be just annoying for you guys to play. and theres still more things to be added like health GUI and stuff... so.... stick to this page if you want to get more news daily and please give us a like. share this page around tell them what we're doing if you want to support us. thats all i have to say for today i'll see you later"
[As Seen On Facebook Page]



The Game Is Updated. but still not released untill the bugs are fixed.

"Hello again! Its Wednesday and the game is still trying to run to the top and here it is, the Game is now at version In-Dev, and wont be released untill theres advanced stuff like saving and loading and other awesome stuff. so stay tuned!"
[As Seen On Facebook]



The owner of e-Universal Starting to launch a new game called Survival Island.

 "Hello! Its a daily news again and today's news is:
Survival Island Upgrade! now i dont do much for today but it still look good and some stuff is added like the new sound system, secondary sword, and new Start Screen."
[As seen on Facebook Page]